"Rip Your Brain Out Awesome!" -- Michael May, Robot 6
"Packed to the Gills with Awesomeness!" -- Greg Burgas, CBR
Robot 6 Interview!
December 16th, 2009
A new interview with Tim O'Shea is up at Robot6. I spill all kinds of secrets. Check it out here.

Power. Deceit. Treason!
November 12th, 2009
Venture into the orbit of power politics on Jupiter's moons in the 25th Century. Can newly crowned teen Emperor Zing keep his throne with the help of his friend, Moxy Comet? Will he be able to reform an unjust Imperial system, or will it consume both him and his allies?
And what about his music career?
And the revolt of the equatorial steam swamp mud men?
Find out the answers to these questions and more in the astonishing new series Warlord of Io by James Turner!
Amazon has Warlord of Io for an awesome price here.

Warlord of Io on Comixology
November 9th, 2009
Warlord of Io and Other Stories (issue 0) is available for FREE on the iPhone from Comixology! Get it here.
They've also got issue 1 and 2 for download, for a small fee. How cool is that?

Review of issue three: "A beautiful bit of fun."
October 31st, 2009

Andrea Speed at Comixtreme reviews Warlord of Io issue 3 and gives the thumbs up.
Get her verdict right here.

Warlord of Io issue two (three, sir) available!
October 29th, 2009
Issue two is now up. Well. Issue three if you count the one shot preview as issue one.
Anyway. You can download it here.
Zing, Moxy, Urk and the sapling thing try to avoid destruction at the hands of Grymak's minions, while intrigue and perfidy roil the new establishment. Disaster threatens from every side, dark secrets churn beneath the surface, and treachery strikes repeatedly. Don't wait! Check it out today!

October 20th, 2009
Behold the robo!

I almost forgot I had this up. It's a build your own robot app, which allows you to print out the result of your tinkering. Combine heads, chassis, and locomotors. Check it out here.

Warlord of Io issue two hits the net
October 3rd, 2009

The next issue of Warlord of Io hits the net... soonish. A fabulous 41 pages of material, all in glorious gradients of gray. Get your taste of the pre-present and follow the adventures of the solar system's most musically inclined warlord. In this issue, Zing, Moxy, Urk and the sapling thing try to avoid seemingly imminent destruction, while Grymak and his cohorts plot the conquest of the universe... only to find out it won't be as easy as they thought. Surprises and astronuts abound. Be sure to check it out.
They always seem to be fleeing giant robots in the covers, don't they? Why is that?

James Turner at Fan Expo
August 26th, 2009
James Turner will be attending Fan Expo August 28-30th at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. I'll have a limited edition set of 10 printed copies of issue 2 of Warlord of Io, plus the second trade collection of Rex Libris and loads of buttons. Stop by, say hi, and buy, buy, buy!

Tom Spurgeon on Io
August 12th, 2009
Tom Spurgeon wrote a wonderful article over at The Comics Reporter about the distribution problems Warlord of Io has faced. I'm linking to it rather late, as it was written back in May, but it's definitely worth a look. Check it out here.
WOI will be coming out as a graphic novel, hopefully in 2010. I'm committed to finishing it, and I am very grateful for support from critics like Spurgeon, as well as SLG. The market is definitely changing, and I am also lucky WOI was held up as a symbol of that change.

New Interview up at The Fabler
July 8th, 2009
Kevin de Vlaming interviews yours truly over at the fantastic Fabler. Check it out here.

Warlord of Io breaks into the third dimension
July 6th, 2009
Like retro sci-fi? Have we got a comic book for you!
Finally had some time to work more on it. Here's the new 3d version of The Terror. People say my work looks like primitive 3-D anyway, so I thought, why not go all the way, at least with the ships? It's a very simple, almost cute looking craft that's armed to the teeth. Check out those plasma burners!

Newsarama interview with Michael C. Lorah
May 13th, 2009
Check it out at the Newsarama site. Lots of stuff about Warlord of Io and distribution.

Post-TCAF report
May 11th, 2009
Met a slew of wonderful people at The Toronto Comic Arts Festival, including lovely longtime fans and a gaggle of greats in the comics and arts industries, such as Paul Rivoche, Chester Brown, Brandon Dawley, Nara Van Rossum, Emily Ragazzino, Fiona Smyth, Maurice Vellekoop, Dave Sheppard, Andy-B, Salgood Sam, Tyrone McCarthy, Aaron Leighton, Steve Wilson, Clayton Hanmer (Cton), Michele Laframboise, and (a special treat), the brilliant Jason Shiga of Bookhunter fame. It was a fun convention; good conversation and feedback, and a pleasant atmosphere. Kudos to The Beguiling and Christopher and Peter.
As usual I forgot to take my camera and so have no pictures. But some were taken of me, so I lifted one from The Doodlers'. He's got great pictures of just about everyone who was in the convention.

Oh yes... if you're in Canandaigua, NY, check out Pulp Nouveau, the comic shop. They took a chance on Warlord of Io and ordered it, which quite obviously makes it one of the finer comic shops in NY State.

FREE button with every Warlord of Io comic purchase at TCAF all day Sunday
May 10th, 2009

When you mention this post. And two buttons for moms.
Remember... Comics: The perfect gift for Mother's Day. Along with hand wrenches, power drills, and Xboxes.
But you already new that.

Interview with The National Post
May 6th, 2009
There's a brief interview with me by journalist Mark Medley at the National Post which can be seen here.
Everyone who's showing at TCAF gets quizzed. Check out all the interviews with the hip comic book cats, and thanks to Mr. Medley.

Warlord of Io Chapter Two available now
May 6th, 2009

Right now! And only for 99 cents! Amazing! How is this possible? Through the magic of digital downloads! All you have to do is go to the SLG site and hit that big, beautiful 'buy' button! Give it a try. You won't be sorry. It's the future of comics. Everyone says so.
Instant delivery. No dead trees. Just burned coal. Cool!
Click here for Warlord of Io Issue 1: Chapter Two (In Medias Res).
Can Zing stave off Grymak's coup? Can he and Moxy successfully usher in a new and prosperous age of prosperity, or will they be forced to flee for their very lives? Find out in the excruciatingly exciting Chapter Two: In Medias Res, already in progress!
Alternate Distribution Man is my new hero.
Don't forget to check out the videos on Youtube here.

Reviews pouring in!
May 6th, 2009
Check out what the critics have to say. Head on over to the review section. It'll blow your mind!

The Web is the way
May 1st, 2009
Warlord of Io and Other Stories is in stores, but unfortunately the follow up series, Warlord of Io, didn't make the new, higher Diamond Comics order minimums, and as a result they won't be distributing it.
However, there is a silver lining to be had here (along with the press coverage):
Issue 1 (Called Chapter II: In Medias Res) is now up at SLG comics for digital download! Yes! The three month wait that you'd otherwise have for the next issue has been swept away! You can read the next chapter for 0.99 cents, and the one shot for 1.49. Isn't that amazing? That's 48 pages for under 2 dollars, and 32 pages for 99 cents. How can you pass up a deal like that? I know I couldn't, especially since I wrote the thing.
So don't wait. Pop on over there now and take a gander at the roller coaster excitement that is Issue 1: Chapter Two: In Medias Res!
If your local comic retailer actually carried Warlord of Io and Other Stories, thank them for me (Thank you!)! If they didn't, well, mosey on over to the digital download centre and take a gander at what they passed up.
Click here for Warlord of Io and Other Stories (The Disaffected Menace), and click here for Warlord of Io Issue 1: Chapter Two (In Medias Res).
Hope you enjoy the comic!
The videos posted below are also now up on Youtube (yay!) in slightly larger format, and can be seen here and here.
Warlord of Io will be, hopefully, collected and released as a graphic novel.

Another promo video for Warlord of Io
April 29th, 2009
Check it out:

Warlord of Io promo video hits the netwaves
April 27th, 2009
Check out our exciting video promo for the comic.

Warlord of Io and Other Stories in stores now
April 25th, 2009
Warlord of Io and Other Stories is already in stores, available for purchase from fine comic book shops across the nation. Ask for Warlord of Io by name. If it isn't available in your local area, you can order it direct from the friendly folks at SLG. Make sure your comics have superior firepower: make them SLG!

Warlord of Io available at TCAF
April 24th, 2009
Warlord of Io and Other Stories, otherwise known as Issue 0, or the Prequel, will be available at TCAF, provided the Independent Comic Book Gods are willing. We're starting with the prequel because as everyone knows, all worthwhile sci-fi series have prequels. And they're boring because we already know how it will turn out. So we decided to get the prequel out of the way before the series really starts. It nicely evades the usual prequel drawbacks.
So stop on by our booth at TCAF on May 9th and 10th in Toronto!
Check out TCAF here.

Welcome to Warlord of Io!
April 23rd, 2009
Welcome to the new Warlord of Io website. Here you'll find everything you ever wanted to know about Warlord of Io... and lots more! That's right! Lots and lots of things you didn't want to know. The most popular songs of the year 2409? We have the top 100 list! Useless specs on spaceships that do not yet exist? You bet! Trivia you'll never need? In spades! Entirely useless information that you'll never be able to get out of your brain? Guaranteed!
Browse through the various sections and enjoy your journey into the Pre-Past with Warlord of Io!

Website under construction...
April 10th, 2009
Not all the buttons are working yet. It's in progress. Wheels are turning.