This page features a direct news feed from the Ministry of Disillusionment. Your one stop source for information about the coming apocalypse! Brought to you by Nibble Cookies.

A Sequel, of Sorts

February 12th, 2012
A sequel, or spin off, to Nil: A Land Beyond Belief has started. Set in Hell, it follows Balthazar, an Infernal Knight, and his role in the inevitable Counter-Revolution.
You can check it out here.
The World Is Crazy

March 5th, 2010
Throw rocks at it!

A Happy New Year to All

December 28th, 2008
No matter how pointless.
Meaninglessness marches on! Are those rumblings of a sequel I hear?...
To Bother Or Not To Bother: There's No Contest

September 28th, 2008
It is, after all, quite pointless.
A Bunch of Do-Gooders

July 16th, 2008
This lot is likely to try and derail any attempt to bring about the end of the world. They are enemies of the future! Watch out for them and their nefarious, baby-eating optimism.
ILM To Take Over Iranian Missile Program?

July 12th, 2008
Apparently when an Iranian missile failed to launch during a test meant to deter potential enemies, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard used photoshop to make it look like it did successfully launch. I would suggest they take it to the next step and subcontract their entire missile program to ILM. It will be cheaper and look more impressive. Think Iranian Deathstar.
End of the World Is Nigh

July 5th, 2008
Tentatively set for October 5th, 2008, at 5pm Eastern Standard Time, but may be postponed due to scheduling conflicts. Note that this end of the World is brought to you by Breninger's Paper Products: fine products, fine papers. Not to be confused with DeFargo's apocalypse, which is set for November 3rd. Get your tickets today!
Welcome to the Hole

July 1st, 2008
Today the website of nothingness, the hole in the fabric of the universe, goes live. Peer into the darkness! This site exists to prove its own pointlessness. By being, we justify non-being.